Public Sociology Award

In 2022, ESS created two Public Sociology Awards, one for Pre-Tenure/Early Career (including graduate students) and Post-Tenure/Mid or later career Sociologists (inside or outside the academy). These awards seek to recognize sociologists who have both done cutting-edge sociological research and engaged in meaningful public work using that research. Meaningful public work here includes high profile public dissemination, such as Op-Eds or public media appearances, but especially values sustained public work that uses sociological skills and research in ways that help organizations or persons with which the scholar works, helps resist policies by institutions or government that cause harm and promote policies that help people, direct service to research participants, and in other ways. The awards seek to recognize sociological work that improves public welfare, broadly understood, or the lives of research participants. Finally, rather than seek to recognize the single “best” public sociologist, these awards seek to encourage public by recognizing, where appropriate, multiple scholars.
To submit a nomination for the Public Sociology Award, please submit a letter of nomination and any supporting documents (such as publications, reports, and/or letters from stakeholders, including organizational, governmental, or community partners) to the Committee Chair (James Jones, jrj92@newark.rutgers.edu) by November 15, 2024.
2024 Recipients:
Pre-Tenure Award
Ynesse Abdul-Malak (Colgate University)
Matthew Clair (Stanford University)
James R. Jones (Rutgers University-Newark)
Post-Tenure Award
Anthony Abraham Jack (Boston University)
Robert Courtney Smith (Baruch College)
Natasha Warikoo (Tufts University)
Derron Wallace (Brandeis University)
Sidra Montgomery (University of Arizona-Global Campus)